My steps touch ancient paved walkways that become more familiar each day. I no longer need to ask at the bars for a wifi code because my phone knows them all. I've been to the same Cathedral so often, I enter as a local. I sleep in a double bed that is all mine. I can even watch tv (in Spanish). What kind of Camino is this? Last week it was one step in front of the other, new surroundings every moment, sleeping in "closets" crammed with bunkbeds and strangers.
Somewhere between Gernika and Eskirika I overstrained my legs and continued to walk on a sore foot for another week. By the time I got to Santander I could no longer walk.
I saw a doctor who diagnosed severe tendonitis and prescribed huge doses of Ibuprofen and rest. I checked myself into a pension for four days.
Day 1. The first day it was kind of like being a tourist exploring the town, but not much because it hurt to walk.
Day 2. I found the Cathdral and went to mass. Then went to my room and watched King Kong in Spanish. Later I perused the shops and buy nothing because I'd have to carry it. A song was playing at a shop I was in and I heard the words, "and nothing else matters." I turned around and among the souvenirs I suddenly saw this.
Nothing Else Matters
Day 3. Got to wondering. Why am I here? If "the Camino provides" like they say it does, what's it providing? Again I'm at the Cathedral, spending at least an hour before the Blessed Sacrament. As I left I found a lightness and confidence I hadn't felt before. I needed this time to get over myself and internalize this journey.
I'm on my way...